Garden tools? Only accept the best!
To prune bushes, trees and plants you need great pruning tools. Even more important is using the right type of tools for every task. To finely cut flowers you use pointed floral shears. Pruning small branches and bushes up to 2 cm is a piece of cake with pruning shears and for Bonsai trees you can purchase special Bonsai scissors. The straight or shaped pruning of a hedge is perfect with razor-sharp hedge shears. For thicker branches it is best if you use branch loppers. If the branch is too thick for branch loppers, however, it is time to take out your saw. In short: use the right pruning tools for every task.
308 Products
Bahco PG-18-45-F, branch loppersIn stock
Silky Tsurugi 400-8 saw bladeIn stock
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Silky Natanoko 2000 330-6,5 saw bladeIn stock
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Agawa Canyon Hunter Blade for the Boreal15, 38 cmIn stock
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Silky Gunfighter Curve 330 pruning saw, coarseIn stock
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Silky Natanoko 60 300-8 saw bladeIn stock
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Silky Gomtaro 180-8 replacement blade, coarseIn stock
Fiskars PowerGear X HSX92, 1023631, hedge shearsIn stock
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Kershaw Taskmaster Saw 2, 2556 , folding sawIn stock
Silky Tsurugi 400-10 saw bladeIn stock