Binoculars for spectacle wearers
Are you wearing glasses and looking for the right pair of binoculars? We have got some good news for you. Today practically all binoculars can be used by spectacle wearers. But there are of course some things you need to pay attention to! If a pair is suited for spectacle wearers it means that the eye relief is sufficient.
12 Products
Steiner SkyHawk 4.0 8x42 binocularsIn stock
Leica Ultravid 8x42 HD-Plus binoculars± 2 weeks
Bushnell Forge 8x42 binocularsIn stock
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Leica NOCTIVID 8x42 binoculars± 2 weeks
Swarovski binoculars NL Pure 8X42± 1 week
Leica NOCTIVID 8x42 binoculars green± 2 weeks
Leica Trinovid 8x42 HD binocularsIn stock
Swarovski EL Range 8x42 TA binoculars with Tracking Asisstant± 1 month